Uk Motor Sales

30 Hampton Road West, Feltham, Greater London, TW13 6AY

UK Motor Sales UK Motor Sales UK Motor Sales

About Uk Motor Sales – Feltham, Greater London

At our family-owned dealership, we bring over a decade of motor trade experience to help you find the perfect vehicle. We handpick each car in our stock, ensuring quality and reliability. We understand the importance of peace of mind, which is why we provide warranties to our valued customers. Your satisfaction and trust are at the heart of everything we do.

  • Abarth specialist

    This car dealer is an expert in buying and selling Abarths.

  • Alfa Romeo specialist

    This car dealer is an expert in buying and selling Alfa Romeos.


Aggregated review score

The combined aggregate score from the below ratings.

Company details

Here’s an overview of this business’ company information on the UK’s GOV.UK registrar Companies House.

Uk Motor Sales

30 Hampton Road West, Feltham, Greater London, TW13 6AY
Company name
Uk Motor Sales
Company number
Incorporated on

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Come and visit us

Uk Motor Sales – UK Motor Sales
30 Hampton Road West
Greater London
TW13 6AY
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Opening hours
This business has no opening hours information.
Last updated 01/12/2024 – 18:14

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